Saturday, December 30, 2006

GHOST - umožní procházet zdmi (do původního stavu uvede příkaz “WALK“)
INVISIBLE 1 - neviditelost (do původního stavu uvede příkaz “INVISIBLE 0“)
ALLAMMO - přidá plnou munici
PLAYERSONLY - zamrzne čas, pohybuje se jen hráč
KILL xxx - zabije zadané monstru (např. Skaarj apod.)
FLY - umožná létat (do původního stavu uvede příkaz “WALK“)
HIDEACTORS - veškerá monstra (ale i zbraně a předměty) zmizí (do původního stavu uvede příkaz “SHOWACTORS“)
SUICIDE - zabije hráče
SUMMON xxx - zpřístupní jakýkoliv předmět, zbraň či monstrum ve hře
Pro účely příkazu "summon" zde nabízím přesné názvy všech zbraní - Rifle, RazorJack, QuadShot, GESBioRifle, Minigun, FlakCannon, Eightball, DispersionPistol, Stinger, Automag, ASMD. Dále pak hra obsahuje několik tajných zbraní, jež se dají kativovat výhradně tímto příkazem a ve hře se za normálních okolností nenacházejí: cannon, hugecannon, quadshot.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

FLUSH - vymaže kompletní obsah paměti (cache), veškeré stínovánní, textury aj. generuje znovu
HIDEACTORS - uschová veškerá monstra, zbraně, předměty ap.
JUMPTO x y z - v UnrealEd přemístí výhled do příslušné lokace
LOADGAME num - Nahraje uloženou hru na příslušné pozici (0-9)
MUSICORDER num - Spustí příslušnou část hudby (0=ambient, 1=akce, 2=napětí)
OBJ CLASSES - zobrazí veškeré v daný okamžik aktivované classy
OBJ GARBAGE - vyčistí všechny již nepoužívané objekty
OPEN URL - spustí lokální mapu (např “unreal.unr“) případně internetový server (např. ““)
REPORT - uloží informace o současné herní situaci (obtížnost, lokaci x,y,z aj.) do clipboardu. Vhodné pro betatesting
SAVEGAME num - uloží hru do příslušné pozice (0-9)
SHOT - típne screenshot a uloží ho do adresáře system
SOCKETS - v síťové hře zobrazí seznam používaných socketů (UnetConnections)
TOGGLEFULLSCREEN - zapne\vypne fullscreen
VIEWUP - zvětší velikost konzole
VIEWDOWNN - sníží velikost konzole
GOD - god mode, nesmrtelnost

Sunday, December 24, 2006


BRIGHTNESS - nastavuje jas, cykluje mezi deseti hodnotami, možno nastavit i v menu
CHAT - umožnuje poslat text spoluhráčův při multiplayerové hře.
CANCEL - ruší předchozí “open“ příkaz a ukončí pokus o spojení k síťové hře
CDTRACK x - přehraje příslušný CD track z vloženého CD
CONSOLE FULL - přepne konzoli do fullscreen (přes celou obrazovku)
CONSOLE HIDE - schová konzoli
CONSOLE SHOW - aktivuje konzoli
DEBUG CRASH - ??? testuje stabilitu pomocí “appError“
DEBUG EATMEM - ??? testuje pamět až do úplného zaplnění
DEBUG GPF - ??? testuje “general protection fault“
DUMPCACHE - zobrazí obsah paměti “Gcache“
EDITACTOR CLASS=classname - počas hry edituje parametry nejbližšího monstra (ale i zbraně či předmětu) udaného typu
ENDFULLSCREEN - přepne do okna
EXEC filename - spustí a aktivuje příslušný soubor v adresáři “system“
EXIT - ukončí běh programu

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Removed the space from "Factory Unreal".

+ New MD5s.

+ Potential fix for "team has all artifacts" messages not playing at the approporiate times.

+ Accessed none warning fix for broadcast messages.

+ Access none fix for when tossing deployables on jump pads.

+ potential fix for being able to pass through some blocking volumes when exiting a vehicle

Monday, December 18, 2006

Corrected the text of the "Enemy has all the artifacts" message

+ XMPGame -> XMPGameDemo (keeps servers separate/hidden from non-demo servers).

+ fix for vehicle locations occasionally getting out of sync between clients and server

+ Fix for trace flag that broke the editor - forwarding to Tantalus.

+ Localization for XMP-Alcazar.

+ Fixed editactor / editobject / editdefault from crashing when used on dedicated servers (was helpful even at this late stage of the game).
Added lightning actor for marsh.
Fixed access none in UI accessor for the pawn class.
Fixed score bug where players were getting headshot and artifact carrying bonuses when the deployables killed another player.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

some vehicle and turret tweaks (optimization for swingarm and harby improvements)

+ increased collision radius on lowlandsroundhouseturret

+ MD5s for german blood packages.

+ Fix for invulnerability bug.

+ When Louis fixed some DXT stuff he forgot to set LOD_Playerskin (skins were world - doh!)

+ Fix for stationary turrets failing to kill someone standing on their respawn point.

+ Fix for scoring bugs found by Tantalus:
Made it so that most kill bonuses don't apply to self-kills. The artifact carrying bonus still applies.

+ potential fix for two people trying to use the same vehicle/turret/stationary turret simultaneously

+ fix for memory leak on dedicated server (thanks Tantalus!)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Let the number of ForceWall beams be control via the ParticleDensity menu setting.

+ Added comments.

+ Fix for 2 issues:
#1 force fields (the part between the field generators) can intersect with vehicles and not destroy them
#2 you can successfully drop turrets or field generators into a vehicle (and ground level) and destroy the vehicle
Fixed both of these by adding a "pseudo" collision cylinder to vehicles and changing the code to use this instead of the given pawn to test against the collision for the force field / deployable inventory test.

+ Reduced Force Wall beam count from 6 down to 4 as a minor optimization.

+ burning energy death for harby

+ upped damage radius on Harbinger multirocket

+ Added per deployable cost for force walls.
Refactored the code a tiny bit to make it easier to put in per-unit costs for other deployables.

+ Fix for Scott's dumb particles. [ed:Scott - they're not dumb, they're advanced]

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

potential fix for turrets getting "misplaced". Also, fix for vehicle parts not showing up as unusable or usable properly (this still needs a fix for useprojector not getting reset without looking away)

+ added alcazar to credits

+ Custom menu support from Aaron

+ further tweaks to backturret (possible fix for getpath crash)

+ Alcazar - fixed spot where you get stuck

+ Potential trace optimization as suggested on UnProg.

+ performance optimizations to:
Actor.SetRelativeLocation (stopped calling it so much)
XMPSVehicle.SpecialCalcView (1st person)
Vehicle.SpecialCalcView (3rd person)

Monday, December 11, 2006

Web admin changes from Jason Yu

+ Fixed team damage (was broken when set to zero and didn't change dynamically)

+ fix for using the wrong passengernumber when entering via juggernaut front turret

+ More net connection timeout testing

+ Easy reader voice chat color.

+ lowlands - removed unused vehicle spawn (caused spawn effect for no vehicle at start of match)

+ na koja - fixed a little spot where you could get stuck

+ reversion of usability changes

+ flamethrower minor tweak

+ Debug statements that might help debug connection timeouts

+ Potential fix for Sniper Rifle kill hitch (ScoreKeeper optimizations)
Added a config var for the class of ScoreKeeper to make it a little easier to mod.

+ Fix for had to read teamsay text (changed from red/blue to green).
Teamsay/Say uses colored brackets around the player's name to indicate team, regardless of whether they have custom colored names.

+ Fix for incorrect death message and scoring when a player is telefragged by a force wall.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

more vehicle optimizations
- Turrets only rotated on postnetreceive on a per-turret basis
- cleaned up a lot of the stuff with vehicle dust, smoke and skidmarks

+ Fix for access none in GetNearestLandmark.

+ Minor ui optimization of the deployable counts next to the team energy bar.

+ fix for turret barrels not updating their yaw properly

+ Changelist descibing Jason Yu's web admin changes:

Tweaks to HTML templates
Javascript workaround for console log refresh
Colored text parsing clamps color to known values
HTML encoding screens out potentially troublesome ASCII; possible fix for font tag maiming
IPPolicy saves properly (or, don't code at 4AM)
Fixed player list sort by score or team

Monday, December 04, 2006

very hopefully the FINAL fix for vehicle parts getting messed up.

+ fix for small bug I introduced while optimizing (driver camera locked)

+ another potential fix for the misplaced turret bug (not sure if this bug still exists, even, since we haven't tested my last 5 fixes)

+ fix for stationaryturret getting moved by forcewalls

+ one more small change to potentially fix the misplaced turret bug

+ same fix for turrets, just forgot to add it in two places (in PostNetBeginPlay)

+ Flatter carcass colllision cylinder

Sunday, December 03, 2006

further optimization of vehicle tick

+ optimization to calculate team energy drain

+ potential improvement to moveautonomous

+ Shotgun - more minor visual tweak - brighter, slightly larger - makes impacts easier to see at a distance

+ another change for turret accuracy

+ potential improvement to stationary turret aiming

+ Performance (and functionality) improvement to HurtRadius. This should work quite a bit better than the old way and is much faster, but requires TESTING

+ extremely minor optimization (removed one divide operation from tick function)

Saturday, December 02, 2006

fix for tire smoke staying on

+ lowlands, nakoja, rampant, and sirocco - fixed misc. places where you could get stuck or enter an antiportal.

+ autoturrets now use scott's new low-particle version of their muzzleflash. If the user is seeing a lot of them, this should significantly improve performance.

+ optimized particles for autoturrets

+ fix for one special case that might potentially cause vehicle turrets to be misplaced (though I have never seen it happen because of this)

+ improvements to stationary turret replication and accuracy.

+ fix for roundhouseturret not taking radiusdamage sometimes.
Another small optimization that reduces calls to moveautonomous.