Thursday, May 10, 2007


Following are just some of the creatures that inhabit the world of
Unreal. Unfortunately, all current information was transcribed
from the mangled diary of a former member of the Vortex Rikers
crew. As such, it is sketchy at best. In addition, it is believed that
there are different “ranks” and/or genetic mutations of some of the
creatures listed, and there appears to be communication among
the various species and some type of hierarchy among them . . .
Needless to say, you would be wise use caution at all times.
Height: 8’ Weight: 375 lbs.
Weapons: Blade-like claws; projectile
Characteristics: Extremely aggressive;
superior agility; ruthless and cunning
Instinctive hunters with extraordinary physical
strength and the ability to use numerous
weapons. Their huge retractable claws can literally
slice their prey to pieces. To make matters
worse, there are many types of Skaarj. And
some of them wear armor.