Sunday, March 11, 2007

Jump Boots

Activating the boots enables you to jump much
higher than normal. Once picked up, the Boots
only last for a short period of time, so take advantage
of them while you can.
Scuba Gear
Gives you the ability to breathe while underwater.
Functions like a flashlight, but has a nearly
inexhaustible power supply.
Nali Fruit Seed
Plant one of these to grow a Nali Healing Fruit.
Once the plant grows to full size, it can give you a
29-unit health boost. If you eat the plant before it is
fully grown, your health gain will be less substantial.
Voice Box
Creates a sound diversion to distract your enemies.
Pickup Items
Unlike Inventory Items, Pickup Items are activated or put into use
as soon as you pick them up. For this reason, it is often wise to
leave a Pickup Item on the ground and come back to pick it up
when you need to use it.
These provide limited healing (+5 units of health),
but do little to reverse the effects of major damage.