Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Secondary Fire:

Hold down the secondary fire button
to launch a larger, more powerful glob of sludge.
The longer you hold down the secondary fire button,
the bigger the glob (up to 500% sludge).
Assault Rifle
Commonly referred to as the “Pocket Howitzer,”
this five-foot-long blaster packs an incredible
wallop. Formerly used as a hunting rifle in the
farthest reaches of the galaxy, it was useful for
taking down the biggest game.
Primary Fire: Long range, very powerful, accurate.
Secondary Fire: Triple burst of slugs, less accurate,
best used in close quarters.
Like the Automag, the MiniGun uses gunpowderbased
bullets for ammo. However, it has a much
faster rate of fire and a much greater ammo capacity.
Primary Fire: Steady stream of bullets,
fast, accurate.
Secondary Fire: More rapid, but less accurate
stream of bullets.