Monday, November 20, 2006

bMuteSpectators does exactly that.

+ bPartitionSpectators will true will only allow spectators to talk to spectators. Spectators will still be able to hear all public messages from people playing. Spectators are always partitioned for team messages (meaning they can't hear playing people's team messages, and playing people can't hear spectator's team messages, but spectators on the same team can still talk to each other via team messages).

+ removed log message, minor ui fix.

+ made master server links initial ones in case of legendent domain problems
web admin :
bMuteSpectators, bPartitionSpectators, bClearBanned added to settings page.
Mutators listed by FriendlyName rather than Description.
Set U2ServerAdminSpectator bAdmin=true. AllowsBroadcast should handle it
properly now.
WebAdmin Console echoes ReceiveLocalizedMessage; toggle with
Cleaned up FormatMessage and generalized color parsing to include non-say
messages (eg. via ReceiveLocalizedMessage)