Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Prioritize Weapons: Use this option to rearrange your weapon
switching order (the order in which a new active weapon is
selected when you pick up new weapons, or run out of ammo).
Hit Enter to bring up a list of all weapons and their current
arrangement. Use the up and down arrows to highlight a
weapon and use the left and right arrows to move a weapon
up or down, respectively, in the order. The higher a weapon is
in the list, the greater its priority in the switching order.
HUD Configuration: Your HUD (Heads Up Display) is composed
of all of the on-screen indicators, status meters and icons
that appear on your screen during the game. You can rearrange
the way your HUD displays these items to suit your preferences.
Use the left and right arrows to cycle through the available
Heads Up Display configurations.
View Bob: Determines how much your view bobs up and down
when you walk or run. This is strictly a visual effect and has no
impact on gameplay.
During the game, a variety of on-screen indicators, status meters,
icons and messages will keep you abreast of important information
and situations. Together, these informational aids comprise
your Heads Up Display (HUD). Keep an eye on your HUD to
stay in touch with the small details that may end up saving your
life. Remember, an aware player is a living player.