Sunday, February 18, 2007


Music Volume: Use the left and right arrow keys to adjust the

volume of the background music.

Sound Volume: Use the left and right arrow keys to adjust

the volume of the sound effects.

Mouse Sensitivity: This determines how sensitive the game’s

mouse controls are to the movement of your mouse. The higher

the sensitivity, the less you have to move the mouse to produce

a given motion in the game.

Invert Mouse: This option flip-flops your mouse’s Y-axis so

that pushing the mouse forward causes you to look down and

pulling back makes you look up (similar to the operation of an

airplane’s throttle).

LookSpring: When this option is enabled, your view will

automatically return to straight ahead whenever you let go

of the MouseLook key.

Always MouseLook: When this option is enabled, you can

use your mouse to look up and down without pressing a

MouseLook key.

Auto-Slope Look: When enabled, this option causes your view

to automatically adjust to look up and down slopes and stairs

when you are not MouseLooking.

Weapon Hand: Determines which hand you carry your

weapon in.

Dodging: If you enable this option, you will execute a fast

dodge move whenever you rapidly tap twice on one of the

movement keys (forward, back, strafe left and strafe right).

Customize Controls: Here you can customize the configuration

of your keyboard, mouse and joystick controls.